Saturday, 13 January 2007

Our own cowardice

I was reading the brillian post by Ian Llorens, ‘Catalonia, a country without cojones’.

He is damn right.

There is no possible excuse. There is no point in blaming immigration from the south of Spain or from South America. We are a cowardly nation that will never get rid of the Spanish yoke.

“We are the lowest of the low..”
Remember the rant by Renton (Ewan McGregor) in Trainspotting about how shite it is to be Scottish and to be from Scotland? I feel the same about Catalonia. Or worse.

The English at least are still a powerful nation and they gave the world, admittedly together with the Scots of the Enlightenment and early Industrial Revolution, great works of engineering, art, philosophy, etc. At least the Scots have been/are being conquered by a winning nation.

We on the other hand are being obliterated by the Spaniards. Spain has never won any war against anyone –apart from Catalonia. That’s how low, how miserable, and how pathetic we have become: everyone else have defeated Spain apart from us.

The language will disappear in a few years, and we will become just like any other region of Spain. A thousands years of history and fine cultural development gone, and probably the Spaniards will continue to rewrite history and also erase us from the history books and academia. What a pathetic bunch we are.

Sometimes I wonder what's the point.


Miquel Marzabal Galano said...

What's the point?
Try to forget the Catalan language. Speak to your mom in Spanish instead of Catalan. Tell your friends and your family that as it is pointless you are going to speak from now on in Spanish and not any more in Catalan.
Try to say to yourself and other people:
I am (e)Spanish.
Say to yourself: Buenos dias juanito! Instead of Bon die Ian!
And feel again what the point is.

IPP said...

Tens rao noi....fa molta rabia que una trajectoria historica i una visio del mon com la nostra desaparegui...i si...pasara el que dius...dintre de 50 anys... haurem desaparegut... a mans d'uns ineptes espanyols i uns politics porucs que aixo si... tots tenen xalet i vida pagada.

Haters said...

We on the other hand are being obliterated by the Spaniards. Spain has never won any war against anyone –apart from Catalonia. That’s how low, how miserable, and how pathetic we have become: everyone else have defeated Spain apart from us.

Bueno, cuántas mentiras en tan poco espacio.

Anonymous said...

Haters: could you please elaborate on your reply? What other nations have been defeated by Spain apart from the Catalans?