Can Cats Have Chicken Wings?
Cats are inherently carnivorous animals, which means that they are
biologically adapted to obtaining the majority of their nutritional
requirements from ...
Tornem a la casella 1 (Racó Català 5.11.2020)
Una de les novetats dels darrers temps és l’evidència que el moviment
independentsita està en una nova situació i que ens ho hem de tornar a
plantejar tot....
Moving to
I started this blog a long time ago, to offer news about Catalonia in
English when there was practically no other source. I have done a lot of
writing—and ...
Now that the Catalan Republic is getting closer
It’s been more than two years since I last wrote on this blog. After the
November 2012 elections the process was in the hands of the politicians,
Are The IMF and the EU at Loggerheads Over Greece?
Everything has a cost, or so the story goes, especially time. In the Greek
case we now know an additional item on the mounting bill: the country is
back in...
El tallafoc amb Grècia es diu BCE
A aquestes altures del pols que mantenen Grècia i les institucions
europees, ningú vol que el país hel·lè surti de l’euro... però ningú pot
garantir tampoc...
My New Blog about Life in Zurich, Switzerland
*English*: Since August 2013, I live with my family in Zurich, Switzerland.
If you would be interested in our life there, please visit my new blog *Wirdhei...
Democratic Regeneration
Suddenly, Spain's government has decided that its priority for the coming
months is what it describes as '*democratic regeneration*'. These are words
Recordatori: nova web (reminder: new website)
Us recordem que tenim nova web:
Allà trobareu les darreres editorials (com "The Options for Catalans on
November 25"), respostes i a...
A historical turnover?
Some things have changed in Catalonia. In the last 10 years independentism
has been growing from a rough 30% to a 51%. Besides, there are people who,
*by Dr. Joan Carretero,*
*President of Reagrupament Independentista (RCAT)*
This magma we call Catalanism, which may include from Catalan cultural
L'hora dels adéus (time to say goodbye)
Four years ago, I started my first blog, Catalonia, Politics and Supply
Chain as a reaction to a New Yorker, Ale, who trashed my city, Barcelona,
in one of...
From Catalonia to Scotland, from one stateless nation to another, I write in English mainly about politics in Spain and Catalonia, in the UK and other stuff.
Born in Catalonia in the '70s, living in Scotland since 1999.